The Lebanese lawyer speaking with Negaheno said
The Qatar world cup should not turn into an opportunity for the Zionist regime
Mey Sobha Khansa speaking with Negahe no referring to the world football cup in Qatar said: "The Zionist regime should not be allowed to make use of this sports event against the Palestinians like the previous experiences and approaches.
According to Negaheno report Mey Sobha Khansa, the Lebanese analyst and the editor of international institute called, “Fighting escape from punishment” stated that the Israelis have always used the international events including social, cultural and sports events to exert pressure against the Palestinians and have tried to make use of these events to normalize relations with the Zionist regime. She continued that the Israelis previously tried to pave the grounds for normalizing relations during the horse racing events in Qatar or Judo games in UAE.
This Lebanese lawyer added: ” This issue shows that the sports and cultural areas and international events are highly important for the Zionist regimes in order to legitimize themselves. It is an opportunity that to my belief other nations and Islamic states have not benefitted enough for the cause of Palestine as it deserves. She continued that we should be aware that these world events should not be traded with the cause of the nations or deviated from the general issues.
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