We Stand in an Era of Fundamental Changes/the World’s Political Literature is Changing

Speaking with Negaheno former information minister of Lebanon stating that we are standing in an era of fundamental and new changes said: “The political literature of the world is changing.
According to Negaheno report former information minister of Lebanon born on 1st may 1950 is an anchorman, a media activist and a popular Lebanese correspondent. He was appointed as minister of information in 2021 in the cabinet of Mighati and gained vote of confidence by the parliament.
Qardahi is graduated in political sciences and law from Lebanon university later he began his media activities in the Lebanon TV and was also working as a journalist in Lesan -al Hal daily.
He believes the world today in particular after the Islamic revolution in Iran is a world with new models that are based on the teachings of Imam Ali (AS) and the Islamic revolution in Iran.
The former information minister of Lebanon said: “We live in a situation that all the political and media pressures are set by the powerful countries to change the nations lifestyle.
This forced new model which is only for more profit for the US arms factories has not excluded the US and European citizens and they too are now enclaved with these new imposed models.”
Qardahi said: “In fact today we live in a century where both the colonialists have changed their appearance and also their models have changed and they no longer limit their work to military, geography and political occupation. The new colonialism and modern racism today are exposing itself in the form of genocide, forced displacement of nations and suppression of individual freedoms under the slogan of human rights and freedom of expression.”
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