Editor’s note
Have the US and Israel taken revenge from Russia for its stance towards war in Gaza?

In a horrific attack that drew global attention ISIS took repsonsibilty over the devastating attackon the Moscow concert hall an attack that took the lives of over 140 people.
According to Negaheno report the boldest deduction from this event is its suspicious timing which looks like a punishment for Moscow due to its stance in vetoing the war and the genocide on Gaza thatisrael has initiated for over six months .
This attack took place right after when Russia and China used their veto rights to prevent the approval of the US draft at the UN National security that could expand Israel’s control over Gaza and to protect it from its crimes.
Following the atrocious attack that took place in the suburbs of Moscow Vladimir Putin the Russian president clearly associated this attack to Russia’s stance towards the issue of Palestine and condemning the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. In his first reaction he said: We do not regret the UN security counsil veto and supporting the people in Gaza even if we are assaulted”
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