
Negaheno special

A look At Israel’s Situation in Two Sports’ Events: Hatred in Qatar, contempt in France

A look At Israel’s Situation in Two Sports’ Events: Hatred in Qatar, contempt in France

While the Zionist regime has always politically benefitted from sports events, in the Olympic 2024, France like the Qatar world Cup it has faced failure as Palestine is the main winner.According to Negaheno report this is the very Israel that tried to achieve political legitimacy by taking part in cultural and sports events prior to the October 7th. They even had plans for the Qatar World Cup.

They were supposed to take part at Qatar with more than 80 thousand spectators from Israel even certain locations were arranged for Jewish prayers.Israel’s media stations had also installed their studios in Qatar so that their reporters would manage the leading atmosphere in Qatar to their own benefit, the questions and scenarios were all prepared. Even though at that time the world community had not yet encountered the world after October 7th and the global understanding were dominated by the western media, however, Qatar World Cup that was to bring about normalization of relations with Israel was turned into a world hatred towards Israel. Palestine was called an absent participant in the Qatar World Cup. And though it did not take part in any of the participation teams it did shine in all Doha stadiums.

Under such conditions that everyone knows that Israel is used to benefitting from world cups and sports events as a safe excuse to continue with its genocide it can even be said that the main winner of the Qatar World Cup was Palestine.

They were also hoping that the Qatar World Cup would provide them with an opportunity to deviate public opinion from the issue of Palestine and the politicians and Israel’s military decision- makers would carry on with their approaches.This occurred in the France Olympics 2024 even though the country is a strong supporter of Jews and Israel and it suppresses any form of anti -Zionist activities under the label of “antisemitism”.

This time of course, it was quite different which is that the world public opinion has now realized the new image of Israel post October 7th. While the public opinion influenced by the American media used to believein the wrong image of the changes in Palestine and the approaches of the Zionist regime and even some times back, they justified Israel’s criminal acts as legitimate defense, but this time, Israel’s hatred in Qatar has changed into a massive contempt in Paris.Some weeks ago, before the Olympic games there were campaigns held against the participation of Israeli teams and protests still continue in a variety of forms. This process has made it even more difficult for Israel and now the world is moving towards a more proper and better understanding of what is behind the violent image of Israel.


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