Special note of Lebanon’s minister of culture for Negaheno
Why the Zionist regime is forced to accept ceasefire in Lebanon?

When we say Israel is forced to accept the ceasefire it is based on the data and information from the security and political authorities of the Zionist regime and also the latest changes in the field and new equations in particular, within the last two weeks.
In a special note for Negaheno, Lebanon’s minister of culture, Mohammed Morteza wrote: “The Zionist authorities say that the ceasefire would take away the opportunity for them to destroy the resistance completely but on the other side it would mean a defeat for Israel’s security and intelligence services.
“They believe that in spite of the ceasefire the inhabitants in the northern region would still be prone to threats from the missile attacks and many of them are not ready to return to those areas but why is Israel forced to accept the ceasefire?
“Two weeks before the idea of a ceasefire and US envoy’s trip to the Middle East to Lebanon and the occupied lands efforts were made to control the ceasefire under the bombardments in order to impose its conditions to Lebanon and the resistance groups and so by taking over the field and to encouraging some of the mainstreams in Lebanon to impose its conditions upon Lebanon.
“Since evaluations are set based on these assumptions that the resistance is over and the destruction of the infrastructure has ended therefore, they tried to gain what they could not within the field through the political procedure through the US mediation.
“Of course, the term mediation for the US is not an appropriate word for the US itself is part of the equation and is the involved side as it supports Israel.
“The experiences gained through several decades of the Zionist regime occupation has shown that whenever Israel has failed to gain at the field the Americans have tried to rescue Israel.
“This is while Israel’s security assessment over Syed Hassan’s assassination, the secretary general of Hezbollah and the assassination of senior commanders were based on the assumption that the resistance would be over and the resistance would fail to have further ability and so Israel began its land attack.
“Although after all those pressures and damages inflicted upon them in the first 10 days, they were under confusion, but after a reshuffle the resistance was able to change the equation and to counterattack Israel entering the southern parts of Lebanon.
“The ICC verdict based on the war crime committed by Netanyahu and Galant has also intensified political and international pressures on this regime. Despite more than a year since October 7th but Israel has not achieved any in liberating its Israeli hostages and Netanyahu was forced to refer to the Palestinians and by offering them 5 million USD tried to have the hostages freed.
“On the other hand, the changes inside the occupied lands and the gap created within the political structures, the disputes and widespread protests of the Zionist community against Netanyahu’s approach has also played a key role in accepting the ceasefire in particular, that the Israeli community believe that Netanyahu is involved in ambitious behaviors in order to guarantee his political existence.
“Israel army has gained nothing in the southern parts of Lebanon and the demolition of houses and villages and extensive damages of the Golani brigade whose commander resigned as a protest to the huge losses sustained was the only achievement gained by the army of the Zionist regime.
“Israel’s military losses are on the rise and even Israel’s pressures against the civilians in Lebanon has failed to return the equation and on the other side, it has also failed to have any gains in Gaza so to return the hostages.
“On the other hand, the US president -elect Donald Trump who spoke of ending war on Gaza and Lebanon during his election campaigns is also inclined to have this war ended before assuming his position so to benefit from it as a political achievement. Just as he used this issue to win in the presidential
: election as a token and this way, he gained many votes from the Muslims in the US.
“Therefore, the resistance dominance in the south, Hizballah’s political and field convergence, the political stance of the Shiites in the government, Netanyahu’s international challenges, internal behaviors and protest and also international pressures are some of the most important factors that has forced Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire.
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