
German scholar speaking with Negaheno said

Iran is Still Capable of Changing the Rules of Play in the Region and Worldwide

Iran is Still Capable of Changing the Rules of Play in the Region and Worldwide

German scholar Fredrik Toben and head of Adelaide Institute in Australia speaking with Negaheno said: Iran is still capable of changing rules of play in the region and worldwide.

According to Negaheno report referring to the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran Fredrik Toben said that the revolution in Iran was not merely a political or an economic demand that was to be limited within Iran’s boundaries.

He further said: “The 1979 revolution which was also known as the Islamic revolution was a great socio-political change that took place on 7th January 1978 and lasted till 11th February 1979 with the participation of people from all walks of life.”

This German scholar added: “Iran’s revolution is still capable of changing the rules of play in the region. The Americans are after reducing Iran’s role in the region through the use of media and propaganda.”

He stressed: “What the US and the Western media say about Iran’s power is a political maneuver so to show that Iran has got weakened after the changes in Syria and Lebanon.”


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