
Negaheno special :

Complaint submitted against Netanyahu as a War Criminal by the Organization on Fighting Escape from Punishment

Complaint submitted against Netanyahu as a War Criminal by the Organization on Fighting Escape from Punishment

The international coalition on fighting escape from punishment has submitted two complaints since October 8th and is currently preparing documents and papers for submitting its third complaint.

In addition, a number of the members of the organization are going to the Hague court together with their president.

The summary of these two complaints a copy of which is sent to Negaheno news agency reads: “we submit this complaint on behalf of the members of the organization and the international community to the International Criminal Court and the Public Prosecutor’s office in Hague, Netherlands ; for Israel and its associates have committed a war crime and crime against humanity including demolition and attack to the media and press and the killing of the reporters and attack to the Al-Aqsa mosque ,demolition of towers, houses in Gaza, the killing of civilians and children ,cutting access to food, water and medicine. Moreover, Israel is using illegal arms and phosphorus bombs.

The complaint is issued against the following people:

1- Benjamin Netanyahu date of birth: October 1949, an Israeli politician and Israel’s prime minister
2- Yoav Galant: Israel’s minister of war, date of birth: 8th November 1958
3- Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces
Date of birth: 17, December, 1967
The above-mentioned individuals together with a large number of officers, soldiers and commanders whose names will be revealed later have taken part in the crimes
4- US president Joe Biden date of birth: 20, November, 1942
5- James Cleverly, UK foreign secretary
6- Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minster
7- Antonio Tajani Italy’s foreign minister
Based on the general truths that we are to submit to the Hague International Criminal Court and based on the witnesses of some of the human rights organisations and media reports the above stated individuals have taken part in the crime perpetuated in Gaza and other regions of the occupied Palestine.


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