
Syrian Journalist and Author Tabib Ahmad Al-Darzi’s Analysis on Ali Bagheri’s Trip to Syria

Syrian Journalist and Author Tabib Ahmad Al-Darzi’s Analysis on Ali Bagheri’s Trip to Syria

Syrian journalist and author Dr. Tabib Ahmad Al-Darzi speaking on Ali Bagheri’s trip to Syria said: “Head of IR Iran ministry of foreign affairs Ali Bagheri to Syria is an emphasis on the continuous cooperation of the axis of resistance with the axis of Syria.”

🔹Through a video message he added: “The visit between Iran’s foreign ministry with the resistance groups has bold messages and it conveys this message that Iran has continued its ties with the resistance forces.”

🔹This Syrian author further said: “The main goal of the axis of resistance is the annihilation of Israel and the full freedom of the region from all forms of occupation and reaching that goal will occur in later stages.”


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