
Negaheno special

Mey Sobhi Khansa’s views towards the Hague court verdict and the martyrdom of I R Iran president

Mey Sobhi Khansa’s views towards the Hague court verdict and the martyrdom of I R Iran president

Lebanese Lawyer Mey Sobhi said that the martyrdom of Ayatullah Raisi, the president and the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a loss for Iran and a greater loss for Lebanon, Palestine and the axis of Resistance.

Speaking with Negaheno she added: “Regarding the verdict of the Hague court and the International penal court against Netanyaho and the order issued for his arrest I should say that this was a bold decision that we were waiting for a long time. The prosecutor of the Hague court was even threatened over his life.”

She further said: “Every member of the international penal court and the Hague court were threatened . They were also threatened that they would be sanctioned and punished for their decision.”


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