
Speaking with Negaheno Egyptian analyst said

The Al-Aqsa Storm Operation Brought Major Information Failure for Israel

The Al-Aqsa Storm Operation Brought Major Information Failure for Israel

Egyptian analyst and executive director of Farabi strategic and political studies center speaking with Negaheno stated: “The Al-Aqsa Storm operation on 7th October brought major information breakdown for Israel.”

According to Negaheno report Egyptian analyst and executive director of Farabi strategic and political studies center speaking stated: “No doubt that the surprise attack of the Islamic resistance movement “Hamas” against Israel on Saturday 7th October 2023 that led to the launching of thousands of rockets and the Palestinian fighters who entered the occupied lands was sudden and extensive. The Al-Aqsa Storm operation shows a big failure for the Israeli intelligence.”

He added: “The Al-Aqsa Storm operation is a name that was chosen by Hamas for its sudden and broad attack against Israel on the dawn of October 7th. This operation was unique in its own way in particular, in terms of its scale and management.”

Hamed Mahmoud reminded:” Since the 6th October war launched in 1973 Israel has not seen any similar of such kind of a war with a real attack into its territory. Hamas’s commando forces with similar military programing of what armies conduct entered the occupied lands. They had special trained forces that had modern tactic instruments and they were engaged in several cities at the same time.”

He said: “All the strategic analysts believe that this attack was a sudden operation broad and coordinated and indicated a high- level information of the Hamas movement.

“But the question that has engaged the strategic and analyst centers and even the intelligence services across the world is how was it that the Israeli intelligence was unaware of this operation? This was a great failure for Israel that was historic and can be compared with what happened in 1973 without exaggeration in particular, that Israel is a regime that is constantly on the ready position and is well prepared for any assault.”

This analyst added: “Hamas’s successful operation was due to the surprise factor and also joint military coordination for this operation was conducted on land, sea and air at the same time and there is no doubt, that this certainly astonished the Israelis.

“Moreover, it should be said that Israel is a regime that relies on advanced technologies for anticipating threats and neutralizing them at the same time. Nevertheless, what happened proves a flaw in their anticipation and risk analysis. The expected scenario of Israel’s intelligence was an attack from the North by the Hezbollah from South of Lebanon but that also failed.

 “The question now is what dimensions are available for Hamas to implement this operation? One can say that this trend is now reaching a very sensitive stage in the history of Israel that is now facing an institutional and political crisis as well as unprecedented identity crisis together with extreme polarization and huge social gap in Israel’s society.”

Finally, he reminded: “This crisis has shaken Tel Aviv with several months of protests against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister. Also, it should be reminded that the Al-Aqsa storm operation took place one day after the 50th anniversary of the October 1973 war.”


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