Editor’s note
The Future War is Dialogue of Nuclear Warheads!
In an interview with “New Statesman” website, Noam Chomsky, the 93 years old American scientist and linguist said that we are getting close to the most dangerous point in the human history.
Netanyahu’s Failure in the West Bank/The Unprecedented Events Still on Their Way
When Benjamin Netanyahu went to the Saturday night’s scene embraced by a tight security team and Shabak, he looked so frustrated and worried that it could be said it was the most exceptional photo frame from a helpless Israeli prime minister.
Negaheno special report
Netanyahu’s Failure in the West Bank/The Unprecedented Events Still on Their Way
When Benjamin Netanyahu went to the Saturday night’s scene embraced by a tight security team and Shabak, he looked so frustrated and worried that it could be said it was the most exceptional photo frame from a helpless Israeli prime minister.
Deputy minister for Endowment of Syria said
The Spirit of Collaboration and Solidarity Among Women in Iran/ The Empowerment of Iranian and Syrian women in the Face of Challenges
The deputy minister for Endowment of Syria speaking with Negaheno by referring to the spirit of collaboration and solidarity among the Iranian women stressed on the capabilities of Iranian and Syrian women in the face of challenges.
Negaheno special edition
Why is the Attack on Baku Embassy in Iran a Suspicious Act?
The attack on the Baku Embassy in Tehran occurred right at a time when a wave of pressures was heating up for closing down the foreign embassies in particular, the European countries in Iran and of course it ended up futile.
Former Syria MP speaking with Negaheno:
Women in the West are Only Taken as an Object/ The West and ISIS Joint View on Women
Maria Saadeh, former Syrian member of parliament by referring to the exploitation of women in the West stressed that women in the west are regarded as no more than an object.
Negaheno speaking with the Head of Jordanian Women Association:
The West Has No Good Will Intentions When It Comes to Supporting Global Issues
Dr. Naheye Barghawi, head of Jordanian women Association (REMA) by referring to the West’s double standards with regards to the changes and events in the region and the world said:
Speaking with Negaheno the Syrian writer said:
A new regional coalition is taking place / A strategic joint completion within the resistance circles
Khalaf Al -Miftah is member of the Arab writers Union and director of Quds International Institute in Syria and former vice - minister for information of the country who also teaches at Damascus university. He is also member of the Syria union of Journalism.
Speaking with well -known Turkish analyst
Why is Turkey Dishonest in its Proximity to Syria/ 5 Vital Motivations for Erdogan to Reunite with Syria
Since the taking over of Justice and Development Party, the foreign policies of Ankara regarding the regional changes have always been adopted based on Party’s interests and internal consumption. The political structure of Turkey is unique in adopting a swinging position.
Negaheno special edition
A look at the Contradictory Behaviors of France/ the Freedom of Lowliness!
If Charlie Hebdo’s caricatures are seen more like a melancholy behavior backed by French and European officials yet, it’s more like displaying freedom of lowliness and degradation rather than a freedom of expression.