Negaheno special
5 key points on the outcome of Iran’s attack against the Zionist regime
Iran’s revenge attack against the Zionist regime includes some key points that are explained by the famous Iraqi journalist.
Editor’s note
An analysis on the IRGC Action in Targeting MOSSAD Base
The IRGC (Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps) action in attacking the MOSSAD base in Erbil has several points to consider which is dealt with in the following report.
Negaheno special
A Defined Project for the Government of Sweden? Preventing the Expansion of Islam in Europe
Preventing the Expansion of Islam in Europe Despite strong reactions from the Islamic communities for permitting Quran burning and the negative reaction of the people of Sweden, the government of Sweden has repeated its permission to burning the Holy Quran in that country.
Editor’s note
King of Submission/ From Behind the Stage of Tying to Improve the Image of Saddam to Reauthorizing the Ba’ath Party
One of the most important events of last week in the political and media atmosphere of Iraq which some political streams even preferred to pass by was the Jordan’s attempt to reauthorize the Iraqi Ba’ath party.
Negaheno special :
Congratulation Messages from Media and Political Figures on the Occasion of Eid-ul Fitr and the Initiation of Negaheno Media
A number of media and political figures from the region and the world of Islam have welcomed the beginning of the official working of Negaheno media institute after congratulating the coming of Eid ul-Fitr and have called it a significant step towards creating a balance in the regional media and the axis of resistance .
The Historical verdict signed for the execution of Saddam Hossain, the dictator of Iraq and the historical signature of Nouri AlMaleki
According to Negaheno report, right at the time of issuing the verdict for the execution of Saddam the then minister of justice suddenly disappears so as to avoid the execution of the verdict.The US military forces intended not to hand Saddam Hossain to the Iraqi forces.
Negaheno special edition:
Golden Opportunities for the 25th Persian Gulf Cup in Basra, Iraq/Qatar Repeated
The 25th Football Cup Games of the Persian Gulf Arab countries will soon be held in Basra, an event that is highly significant and strategic for Iraq and is a golden opportunity.
Negaheno special edition
The US Ambassador’s Special Mission to Baghdad/ Reinforcing Washington DC Affiliated NGOs
Since 2019 onwards, Romanowski has been the US ambassador to Kuwait. She is from Illinois, US, and her parents are both immigrants.Her father is Polish and her mother is from Canada.
Editor’s note
Changes in Iran and Modeling Based on Crises in Iraq and Syria
The changes in Iran in the past 2 months have many similarities with the crises in Iraq and Syria that will be dealt with in a 4 -part report.
Negaheno special edition:
The end of political dead end; Iraq elected its president and prime minister
At last, after several months since the elections in Iraq and the ups and downs despite all foreign scenarios for creating political vacuum and economic pressures, the president and the prime minister were elected in Iraq.
Negaheno special edition
The October Riot, common in Iran and Iraq
Today is the anniversary of the great 2019 upheaval in Iraq which introduced a new term in the political terminology of the country called the Tishreens.
Negah No Special;
Iraqi Tolerance/ the winning and the losing trend of the recent events
The events that occurred in Iraq with all its costs and bitterness for its citizens ended with peaceful and unprecedented results.
The Passage of Mughtada Sadr From Religious Authority
Mughtada’s Hasty Reaction to the Judicial-Political Resignation of Ayatuulah Haeiri
Ayatollah Sayed Kazem Hosseini Haeiri, the grand religious authority for the Shiites in Iraq announced on Monday that due to poor health he will resign from his position.
- Will the Protests in Syria Enter a New Phase?
- No War No Peace: Netanyahu’s dual strategy for survival
- Director of the New Vision Center for Strategic Studies
- Sayed Hassan’s Funeral Ceremony Was a Global Referendum for the Resistance
- Tensions Arise Between the US and Europe/ New Challenges in Ukraine Peace Negotiations